Holistic Healing -
Embodiment, Reiki, Somatic Therapy
Helping you to reconnect with your divine essence, your authentic truth and in turn, your authentic power.

“An embodied woman is a liberated woman, and a liberated woman is unstoppable."

Is Embodiment For Me?
Do you feel stuck or disconnected from yourself? Perhaps you feel that you are not using your full potential and that you are meant for so much more? Maybe you feel shame, or a block with your sensuality and pleasure. If you are reading these words and you feel seen… then this journey is for you, my beautiful friend.
Together, we journey inwards to meet the deepest parts of ourselves to see what magic is waiting to be found within. What power we thought we needed to earn or be taught… when in fact, it is already at home within us, ready to be accessed at any time.
Are you ready to transform, take up space, be heard, feel seen and to be magnetic to joy, pleasure and abundance… then welcome to Embodiment!

How Do I Use Embodiment?
In our sessions together we use breath, movement (a lot or a little - this is lead by you) sound, awareness, and deep questioning to spiral down into the centre of ourselves.
We meet frozen tension and acknowledge the darkness, shadows and undesirable feelings in order to liberate them and set them free. By doing this deep work, we are able to shift stagnant and stuck energy and bring in clarity, expansion, possibility and potential. We awaken the divine essence within.
What Is Embodiment?
In simple terms, embodiment takes our focus from the masculine energy of the busy mind to the feminine energy of the felt sensations within the body.
Our bodies store data, just like our brains, and there is so much wisdom that is held inside our physical being waiting to be unlocked, unblocked and released. We just need to give our body a voice so it can tell us what it feels, needs, desires, dreams of and the secrets it already knows that we have been searching to find.
I desire to help women like me and help you transform your life by guiding you inwards… to YOUR OWN INNER WORLD! Where your own answers and wisdom await you.
“I went to Vicky to ‘feel more sexy’ I didn't really even know what I meant. But, with Vicky’s guidance and coaching I was able to get to the root of the feeling of why I didn't feel at home in my skin, why I was detached from my body. When we started to do deep work I realised I didn't need someone to help me feel more sexy. Because I am sexy as F**k!”